Please get in touch with our office to request access to our forms through the Client Portal. Once you can access the forms, please take a few minutes to read the forms before your first appointment. If you are able to print them, please fill them out and bring them with you. If not, please plan to arrive 20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to fill them out in the office.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina para solicitar acceso a nuestros documentos a través del Portal del Cliente. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para leer los documentos antes de su primera cita. Si usted los puede imprimir, por favor, rellénelos y tráigalos con usted. Si no, por favor planee llegar 20 minutos antes de la hora programada de su cita para llenarlos en la oficina.
472 Park Grove Dr.
Katy, TX 77450
Your Health Information Privacy Rights – your rights under HIPAA and Texas HB 300
For your information only – please do not bring it to your appointment